Shukshin Altai State University for Humanities and Pedagogy (the city of Biysk, Russia) invites you to participate in the International Scientific and Educational Forum “Russian Language in the Global Context” (November 9 – 29, 2021). We invite students, graduate students, externs, schoolchildren, and members of creative teams who study Russian as a foreign language (of any age and any level of Russian language proficiency). We are also waiting for teachers of the Russian language, linguists, psychologists, historians as participants and experts. There is no registration fee. The forum includes 1 month of Russian language workshops, linguistic games, educational competitions on Russian as a foreign language, lectures of amazing speakers in Google Meet, Khovd (online only), Talas, Biysk, Srostki, and Gorny Altai. Online participation is possible as well! All participants will receive certificates, and the winners of the contests will be awarded prizes!
Registration is open. Регистрируйтесь на мероприятия! Please, register for our forum events!
Registration for the 1-st Russian language marathon ends November 7 (the host country is Mongolia, the registration deadline has been extended)
Registration for the 2-nd Russian language marathon ends November 12 (the host country is Kyrgyzstan)
Registration for the final Russian language festival ends November 14 (the host country is Russia)